Dumfries and Galloway Council (DGC) is committed to embracing Civic Pride, empowering communities and strengthening partnership-working with communities through our Streetscene Model.
With this in mind, DGC would like to invite you to attend a Volunteering Event on Friday 4 October 2019 at 10.00am – 12noon in St Couans Hall, Kirkcowan (Village Hall).
The purpose of the event is to enable community groups or individuals thinking about establishing a community group, that supports the work of our Streetscene Model to come together and share experiences with each other, both good and not so good, in a constructive learning environment. DGC want to promote and embrace civic pride by empowering communities and strengthening partnership working between volunteers and the council.
DGC genuinely want your participation and thoughts on what and how you are doing things in your community with an opportunity to share your good practice with others and perhaps inspire and assist each other. We encourage you to bring along evidence of what you are doing in picture format displays or presentations to allow active participation and generate positive discussion about what is important to you.
DGC looks forward to welcoming you to this Community Event on Friday 4 October 2019. If however you are unable to make the event but would still like to provide some feedback you can contact the Ward Officer directly on the details included below. Likewise if you can attend, it would be helpful to know in advance approximate numbers to enable us to organise refreshments.
Kerry Monteith; Ward Officer
Stranraer and the Rhins, Ashwood House, Sun St, Stranraer, DG9 7JL. Drop Point 800
Mob; 07920598900 Phone: 030 33 33 3000