Beach Clean Diary and Map

Beach Clean Diary

Where possible we will add upcoming public beach clean events to the diary below. Further details can be found by clicking on the event.

You can use the arrow at the top right to display the different local beach cleaning areas/groups.

You can also add this calendar to your own phone or online calendar by clicking the + at the bottom right.

If you are organising a beach clean and you would like to have it added to the diary or map please let us know using this link, or in our social media pages.
Alternatively, email us at:


Beach Clean Map

The map shows previous beach clean events.

This currently shows the most recent events. By clicking the square with the arrow on it at the top left you will be able to toggle on and off different periods of time. Also find out about individual beach cleans by clicking on the markers. Here there will be information on: amount of litter collected; number of volunteers; and other facts. This is dependent on the information supplied to us by the organisers.


Hopefully this information will help you – plan your own beach clean by identifying beaches that have not been cleaned recently – get involved with a public event – or simply find out about what has been going on.

So, why not get together with a group of friends or colleagues and spend some time on the coast seeing what beach litter you can pick up? If you would like further help in setting up or organising your own group please get in touch with us on What’s more, remember to let us know how you got on – we love to see photographs of your finds.

Plastic Beach Litter

You can return to the main page on getting involved here. Or, find out more about other projects and beach litter in general by heading to the main Marine Litter page here.

Finally, if you find these maps useful or have any comments for improvement, please get in touch.