Code of Conduct

A Solway Code of Conduct between scallop and static gear fishermen working in the Luce Bay and Wigtown Bay areas of the Solway Firth has been in place for many years and is revised annually prior to the start of the Irish Sea scallop season on 1 November.
The Code is intended to support good working arrangements for both the mobile and static fishing sectors and has been developed by local fishermen, businesses and related organisations. The process of revising the Code at the start of the season provides an opportunity to discuss how the system has worked in the previous year, update the contacts list and make any changes which are needed.
A core group of local fishermen has driven this process over a long period of time and stress that communication and respect are its most important aspects. As well as its primary purpose of helping fishermen in their day to day working lives, it is recognised that co-operative approaches of this type help to demonstrate a commitment to responsible practice which is good for the industry as a whole.
Laminated copies of the Code are provided to harbours around the Solway and beyond including the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland around October / November each year or are available anytime from Solway Firth Partnership.