Getting Involved in Beach Cleans

Community Beach Cleans in Dumfries and Galloway

Do you want to get involved in beach cleans along the Solway? Then Solway Firth Partnership can help you or your community.

Where to go?

  • You can find a diary here of upcoming group cleans as well as a map of some past cleans, to help you choose where to go. Why not have a look at our Beach Guide to find out about other places to visit whist picking litter.

Help for groups

  • Any local community group can borrow a range of litter picking equipment from Solway Firth Partnership.
    This includes:
    litter pickers
  • high vis vests
  • first aid kits
  • hoops to hold bags open
    So, if you would like to use any of this equipment please contact SFP at
  • Let us know how we can help

In addition, we are currently investigating the options for helping with the set up of new community beach clean groups, as well as providing resources for existing groups. You can find our short survey here, where you can let us know what would be handy to you to get involved in beach cleaning,

Soon we will be offering a range of resources to beach clean groups. For example, training, risk assessments, help in advertising events, as well as equipment. To help us you can use the survey above to tell us what you would find useful.

Current Online Resources

Our strandline information sheets are the first in a range of resources available to you. Find them here.

Similarly, why not get involved in Beachwatch?  This is an initiative run by Marine Conservation Society to promote national beach cleaning throughout the year, and during their main event, the Great British Beach Clean on the third weekend of September each year.

Find Community Beach Cleans run by Solway Firth Partnership and other local groups on our Social Media pages as well as on our map.

Or, you can add information about your group’s upcoming beach cleans by completing this form: