Solway Photo Series

The Solway Photo Series has now closed.
We would like to thank everyone who submitted one or more images to the Photo Series.
We are thrilled with how the Solway Photo Series has engaged with people around the Solway and visitors to the Firth.
Please visit the Solway Review to view the Solway Photo Series’ or click on the links below to open the each series in a new tab;
Solway Photo Series – Dumfries and Galloway
Solway Photo Series – Cumbria
Below are the privacy policy and terms and conditions which apply to Solway Photo Series submissions.
When you submit an image, or images, we will store your emails within the organisation for future referencing. This is to ensure the future use of your images in the ways detailed below in the Terms and Conditions, to keep a record of who has submitted which images, and confirmation of acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Your information will not be shared with anyone outside the organisation and your email address will only be used for any future contact necessary in relation to your images.
If you submit your images via social media we will keep a screenshot for our records as proof of confirmation of submission and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
Images are saved with the title of the image and also the credit those who submit the image. This is to ensure the person who submits the image will always get credited correctly.
We will ensure your credit is added to the image, we will check to make sure you are happy to be credited with your name or an alternative credit. Please be aware that this makes you uniquely identifiable to the public. You can be credited however you please, just make it clear to us.
The Solway Photo Series’ Privacy Notice is available here.
Solway Photo Series Terms and Conditions
By submitting your image/images you are giving permission for your submission to be used by Solway Firth Partnership in the Solway Review Photo Series, Solway Review, as well as other publications, our web pages and social media.
We may also use your image in social media votes on the SMILE Project and/or Solway Firth Partnership social media pages.
The ‘Solway Photo Series’ is part of the SMILE Project which is being funded through the European Maritime Fisheries Fund and photos submitted may be used within the Solway Review online platform and on Solway Firth Partnership’s website for the series or series promotion.
Copyright remains with the photographer, but by submitting an image you are giving Solway Firth Partnership permission to use/ reproduce the image in conjunction with our media partners for additional press purposes, as well as for their own publications both online and printed, social media and web pages including those connected to the Solway Photo Series and the Solway Review.
You may not submit images on behalf of someone else.
Any submitted images which are used in the ‘Solway Photo Series’ or other Solway Firth Partnership publications will be credited with the social media handle of the account which submitted it unless the photographer explicitly requests otherwise directly to the SMILE Project.
Solway Firth Partnership reserves the right not to use submitted images. Submitting an image does not necessarily mean it will be included in the Solway Photo Series, and Solway Firth Partnership is not required to give reason or explanation for non-inclusion of an image.
You may be contacted in relation to photo submissions made to the Solway Photo Series. Communication with social media accounts which submit images may occur through SMILE (@solwaysmile Twitter or Instagram, or @smilesolway on Facebook) or Solway Firth Partnership (@solwayfirthpartnership on Facebook and Instagram, @solwaytweets on Twitter) social media accounts. No other social media accounts will contact you regarding the Solway Photo Series. If contacted via email contact will only be made through an official Solway Firth Partnership email account. These include; smile@solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk, or info@solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk. Any official Solway Firth Partnership account will be identifiable by ‘@solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk’.
You may be contacted in the future in relation to your submitted images, ‘Submission Privacy’ above.
Solway Firth Partnership do not take responsibility for communications with any other accounts and urge those submitting images to contact us if there are any questions or concerns about the authenticity of communications. There is no cash prize, other form of financial, or other type of, reward given for photo submission or publication. We will never ask for your bank, credit card or other financial information.
If we receive multiple images in a category, your photo may be used in any category for the photo series, not necessarily the section in which you submitted it.
By submitting a photograph, you are confirming that you are the sole author of the image and hold the copyright and all other intellectual property rights for it to be used in this way and take responsibility or cost resulting from claims that it is not your photograph. You may not submit images on behalf of someone else. You also agree to indemnify Solway Firth Partnership should your submission cause any loss, damage, injury, cost or expense as a result of your submission to Solway Photo Series including (but not limited to) any claim of infringement of intellectual property rights made by any third party.
You further confirm through entry that, where necessary, you have the permission of anyone featured in the image (or in the case of under 18s, the consent of the parent or primary guardian) to submit the photo to the Solway Photo Series.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, Solway Firth Partnership excludes its liability for any loss, damage, injury, cost or expense suffered by you, whether directly or indirectly and howsoever caused, in connection with the Solway Photo Series.
Responsibilities of the photographer
Photographers, and anyone accompanying photographers, must follow ethical guidelines such as responsible practices to protect nature, removing all litter they have brought, supervising any children during excursions, and behaving in a way compatible with the morals of nature conservation, protection and enhancement.
The photographers, and anyone accompanying photographers, must make themselves aware of, and follow all conservation regulations, legislation, plans and any other rules, advice or guidance for their area, including but not limited to conservation regulations for seals, seabirds, protected areas around the Solway, not damaging habitat or disturbing species. Photographers are not to act in a way which contradicts the values of Solway Firth Partnership; ‘to support a vibrant and sustainable local economy while respecting, protecting and celebrating the distinctive character, heritage and natural features of our marine and coastal area.’
Photographers, and anyone accompanying photographers, must behave responsibly and follow local, regional, national and international laws, rules, plans, policies, guidance, regulations, and/or any other form of rule/regulation for their area, at all times. Submitted images showing offences or otherwise reprehensible actions may be passed along to the appropriate authority.
Safety and conduct
Solway Firth Partnership accepts no responsibility for the photographer’s, or anyone accompanying photographers, actions or conduct. Photographers, and anyone accompanying photographers, are expected to exercise good judgement when taking photographs and not put themselves, any other persons, species or habitats at risk of danger, damage, disturbance or harm. Be aware of coastal conditions. character and potential hazards, and always exercise caution when exploring the Solway Coast.
Always check tide times, weather forecasts and dress appropriately ensuring you have everything you need with you, including a charged mobile phone. Always tell someone else where you are going when venturing out on the coast, signal is not reliable around the Solway.
If a photographer, and anyone accompanying a photographer, happens upon a stranded animal (dead or alive), dangerous substance (for example, but not limited to, flares, fireworks etc) they should call the appropriate body immediately, and in the case of dangerous substances, remove themselves and any other people to a safe distance. The wellbeing of photographers, other people, species, and habitats is priority. Any distressing images or images which have put an animal or human in danger will not be accepted and may be passed along to the appropriate authority.
The photographer, and anyone accompanying a photographer, must also always conform with the rules and regulations of their area and follow government guidance. Check your local and regional COVID-19 rules before venturing out onto the Solway coast to ensure compliance with the most up-to-date rules for your area. Photographers, others with the photographer, and the wider community must conform with Coronavirus regulations, including the current (Feb 2021) and any future lockdown regulations and other COVID-19 rules/regulations/advice for their area. If Solway Firth Partnership suspects anyone submitting an image of not following COVID-19 rules in their area the image will not be used for the Solway Photo Series.
Solway Firth Partnership reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions without notice. They will be publicly available at; solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk/planning/solway-photo-series/. Please send any questions arising from these terms and conditions to; smile@solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk, or info@solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk.
If you wish to remove your submission from the Solway Photo Series, you can do so by contacting info@solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk.