European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is a programme that aims to help the fishing industry become more sustainable and to remain profitable. Axis 1 provides fishing vessel grants, Axis 2 provides grants for aquaculture and processing and Axis 3 covers areas of common interest. These grants are administered by Marine Scotland and the Marine Management Organisation for the north and south sides of the Solway respectively.

EMFF Axis 4 supports local fisheries communities by helping them to build a more sustainable future. Its aim is to encourage sustainable development and improve quality of life in areas with an economic dependency on fisheries. Axis 4 grants are assessed by Dumfries and Galloway Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) and the MMO for the north and south sides of the Firth respectively. In Dumfries and Galloway, the FLAG is a balanced group comprising a mix of fishing industry, community and agency representatives. As well as assessing funding applications, the FLAGs can drive project development.

Axis 4 administrative arrangements are different for the opposite sides of the Solway with Dumfries and Galloway LEADER being the lead partner and contact for applicants on the Scottish side and the MMO being the administrative body and contact for applicants on the English side.

You can find out more about how EFF Axis 4 is being used on a wider European scale, including examples of projects that have been supported in other countries, by visiting the FARNET website.

The EMFF programme will run until 2020.