Loch Ryan Management Plan

The importance of waterfront regeneration at Loch Ryan has been a key issue for the local community and Dumfries and Galloway Council since the relocation of the ferry terminal from Stranraer to Cairnryan in 2011.
Through public consultation, a wide variety of potential development opportunities have been identified in a regeneration development plan. These include power boating, yachting, wildlife watching, coastal path development, interpretation works and more. This is in addition to existing use of the site which includes oyster farming and creel fishing.
Solway Firth Partnership was commissioned by Dumfries and Galloway Council to establish a better understanding of how different parts of the Loch are used so that any potential conflict arising from changing patterns of use can be managed, wildlife can be protected, and appropriate development opportunities can be identified.
By mid-December 2013 over fifty stakeholders had engaged with the consultation. Views were gathered until the end of January 2014 and Solway Firth Partnership then produced a report with recommendations for Dumfries and Galloway Council.
Work on implementing the recommendations from the plan are now complete. Solway Firth Partnership and Wide Open worked with Kirkcolm Community in the first instance to improve the Wig for visitors and local people.
The outcome of the consultation from December 2013 can be found here.
The final Loch Ryan Management Plan produced in May 2014 is available to download here
Update on Loch Ryan
SFP has now completed the work on implementation of the Loch Ryan management plan. The Loch Ryan booklet (Places to Bird Watch and Explore) has been printed and widely distributed.
Download your copy of ‘Great places to bird watch & explore around Loch Ryan’ here.
Nesting boxes have been installed under the walkway of the West Pier. Lets hope they get used next nesting season!

Three interpretation panels have been produced and have been installed on site – High Balyett car park, West Pier and the Wig car park. Public viewing binoculars have also been installed at the Wig, the West Pier in Stanraer and at the car park at High Balyett.

The works to improve the lookout post at the Wig are now complete and concrete seating has also been installed at the car park, half way along the track to the point and at the Kirkcolm point.

In addition, a new leaflet promoting the WW2 heritage of Loch Ryan has also been produced. Download by clicking on the picture below or clicking here

The completion of the project was celebrated with Kirkcolm Primary School children by visiting the newly renovated Wig and trying out the soundpiece and battleships game.

It was then back to the school to take part in an old fashioned tea party with scones and cakes. The 1940’s atmosphere was helped along with music and a bit of dressing up in clothes from the day!