Marine Litter Education

Solway Firth Partnership has a range of beach cleaning equipment for schools, colleges and youth organisations in Dumfries and Galloway. We also offer learning resources for topic based cross curricular learning.
Solway Sea Chest
The Sea Chest includes a Message in a Bottle – Activities Booklet designed to be used by primary school and early senior school age pupils to support development of knowledge, understanding, critical thinking and creative problem-solving.
The Sea Chest contains plastic materials found on beach cleans, as well as natural strandline finds together with fact sheets and teachers notes. These will promote engagement with and discussion of the issues surrounding pollution, marine litter and single use plastics. There is also a range of useful books and information sheets with links to other on-line resources and videos. The lessons link to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence contributing to a range of Experiences and Outcomes. It also covers the Eco-schools International Programme topics ‘Litter’ and ‘Marine’.
Book a Solway Sea Chest or request beach clean equipment by emailing us at : projects@solwayfirthpartnership.co.uk.
The Solway Hoard-activities-booklet is inspired by the Plastic Age Exhibition created with Museum of the FutureNow. Developed with Waste Stories to explore the issue of plastic pollution the activities include detective work and creative work and invites you to think for yourselves about how our own age might be understood by future generations. The Solway Hoard activities are designed to be used by upper primary school and senior school age pupils.
Education resources have been developed with The Rotary Club of Dumfries Devorgilla and other partners to bring marine environment issues to the attention of local communities.
Additional Teaching Resources for the Solway Sea Chest can be found below
- Videos
- Teachers background notes
- Leverhulme Trust’s Waste Stories
- Sea Chest Contents
- Bottle template
Visit our Marine Litter page to find out more.