SMILE Project

Take a look at the Solway Review online platform here!

The aim of the Solway Marine Information, Learning and Environment (SMILE) Project was to update the 1996 ‘State of the Solway Review’, using innovative communication methods to gather pan-estuary information, learn from stakeholders and promote a better understanding of the Solway Firth ecosystem. The update was required in the light of new demands made on the estuary’s resources and in the context of marine planning. The Review will provide some of the evidence by which a sustainable approach to planning and management may be achieved; thereby helping to deliver the ecosystem based marine planning frameworks developed for the Solway.

The SMILE Project offered a significant opportunity to develop the foundations for a cross-boundary ecosystem approach to support the future management of the Solway Firth through provision of high quality data and local information.  The SMILE Project Officer was responsible for identifying gaps in existing data while gathering information and sharing knowledge through the development and production of the revised ‘State of the Solway’ review.  They undertook wide-ranging sectoral and stakeholder engagement using innovative communication methods, working with and learning from the Severn Estuary’s similar cross border situation with England/Wales, so that the information and evidence gathered can subsequently be disseminated across the Solway Firth in support of other initiatives and projects.ject

The SMILE Project is now complete. To see the report of highlights of the project – SMILE Final Highlights Report – August 2021

Click here to access our YouTube playlist on the SMILE Project and Solway Review!