Interactive and Downloadable Resources

Information Sheets

Find out more about what can be found along the coastal strandline with our “Where did it come from” information sheets.

Where did it come from? Strandline Finds

Quizzes and Scavenger Hunts!

Solway Firth Partnership has lots of information on our website, but can you search through our site to find the answers to our scavenger hunt and quizzes?

SFP Website Scavenger Hunt

SFP Website Scavenger Hunt Answers

Multiple Choice Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz Answers


Colouring In!
Why not have a look at these marine and coastal colouring in pictures?

World Ocean Day Colouring Page (World Ocean Day website)





Guess the Coastal Location!

Along the coast of the Solway we have countless stunning locations, but can you guess where these pictures were taken…?


Scottish Coast

Here is the answer sheet for the Scottish Coast video.

We will be adding more ‘Guess the location’ slideshows over the coming weeks covering the Scottish and English Solway coasts.


Social Media!
We have social media for both Solway Firth Partnership and the SMILE project. These platforms have links, photos, and share topical information.

Solway Firth Partnership YouTube Channel

Take a look at last years World Oceans Day 2019 event in Port William.

Check out Solway Firth Partnership’s social media pages here;

SMILE Project social media pages;