Invasives Week Starts Today!

Invasive Species Week is taking place in the UK from today, 24 May to 30 May, and Tuesday 25th covers all things marine.  There are lots of online webinars, events and training organised for the week all across the UK and Ireland, which you can find more information on through the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat.  Some further Scotland-specific information can be found on Scotland’s Environment website.

In Scotland, we are promoting the American Lobster ‘Retain and Report’ campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the risks of American lobster as an invasive non-native species in Scottish waters, how to identify them, and what to do if you suspect you have caught one.  These species are thought to pose risks to native European lobster by carrying the disease Gaffkemia, and competing with the smaller native lobster for food and shelter.  They may also breed with European lobster and create hybrid species.

If you wish to report an American lobster, please contact your local Marine Scotland Compliance Fishery Office or the UK Fisheries Monitoring Centre at 0131 271 9700.

More information about invasive non-native species in Scotland can be found on the Scottish Government website