Small SCAMP Grants Available for Communities

As “Coastodians”, we wanted to let you know about a small grants program we have available to communities to help find ways to connect people to their Coastal and Marine environment.

We have grants of £100 – £1000 for communities to further explore their relationship with their Coastal and Marine Environment. The grants are open to constituted coastal communities and environmental organisations, from Gretna around the Rhins of Galloway.

The application process is to submit an expression of interest email to by 8th January. Your email should say how your project links to SCAMP and have an outline budget attached.

In order to link to the SCAMP project, your community work must meet the following criteria:
The project must be about connecting people with their natural coastal or marine environment. linking to the SCAMP project by including: seagrass, saltmarsh, or oyster bed restoration; coastal woodland creation; or any other relevant coastal or marine nature restoration.
This work might have a community nature based educational purpose, to benefit wellbeing or a have a very practical outcome.
Examples might be:
a series of expert walks and talks.
a seminar or conference.
“go and see” visits
commissioning wildlife surveys or underwater filming
creating wildlife habitat
running a series of beach cleans which produce evidence for surveys
creating better access to the coastal environment for more local people
screening a film in the local village hall linked to the marine environment
a wellbeing project
paying for a bus to bring local children for a day of outdoor learning or citizen science work.


SCAMP Survey

We would love if you could spare a few moments to contribute to our online survey: Solway Coast and Marine Project Survey (