NWIFCA Seeks New General Members

North West Iinshore Fisheries Conservation Authority (NWIFCA) Seeks New General Members.

The NWIFCA are seeking dedicated individuals with expertise in the marine realm. If you’re enthusiastic about engaging with the Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority and contributing to fisheries management within your district, they want to hear from you!

Specifically, they warmly encourage applications from the Marine Environment/Conservation sector, as it’s currently under-represented within the IFCA.

The role of an IFCA General Member
The members of the IFCA contribute their knowledge and experience to provide sustainable management of the inshore marine area of their IFCA district. Appointees to IFCAs are legally required to consider all the local fishing and marine conservation interests in the waters of the IFCA district in a balanced way, taking full account of the needs of the IFCA district. Appointees should recognise that they are part of a committee and should not regard themselves as representing solely one area of particular interest within the IFCA district.

For more information click here