Please be advised of the notice to mariners for survey work taking place off Kirkcudbright.
Offshore surveys: July-August 2021
Mariners are advised that offshore survey work is due to be carried out along the two high pressure gas interconnector pipelines running between Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man during July-August 2021. A notice to mariners about these operations can be downloaded here and is summarised below.
The survey vessel Noordhoek Pathfinder will be conducting a detailed Multibeam Echosounder, Sidescan sonar and Remotely Operated Vehicle inspection of the pipeline along its route from Scotland (Kirkcudbright), to the Isle of Man (Glen Mooar) and Ireland (Loughshinny/Gormanston).
A map of the pipeline route and the precise locations of the survey extent are provided in the Notice to Mariners which can be downloaded here.
The survey work is due to start on the 25th July 2021 off the Scottish coast. The survey is expected to take approximately 5 weeks. During the survey the vessel shall be working on a 24 hour basis and is due to travel along the route of each pipeline several times.
All dates are subject to sea and weather conditions. Updates on the schedule will be provided as the survey progresses.
All of the information on this page is directly sourced from AWJ Marine, please see the website here for more information.