Marine Scotland Publish their Future fisheries: management strategy – 2020 to 2030

Marine Scotland Publish their Future fisheries: management strategy – 2020 to 2030.

Through the delivery of Marine Scotland’s (MS) Future Fisheries Management Strategy they set their vision for Scotland to be a world class fishing nation, delivering responsible and sustainable fisheries management.

This strategy sets out the MS approach to managing Scotland’s sea fisheries from 2020 to 2030, as part of the wider Blue Economy. It explores how MS will achieve the delicate balance between environment, economic and social outcomes, and how MS will work in partnership with fisheries stakeholders at home, within the UK, and in an international context, to deliver the best possible results for our marine environment, our fishing industry and our fishing communities. It also considers how, as part of our Blue Economy approach, MS can best share the marine space, to ensure we are managing in the right way, and making the best decisions, for the marine environment as a whole and all those who depend on it.

For more information visit the MS webpage