The MMO held a series of five webinar from 5-13 February 2020 to support the current statutory consultation including one on the draft North West Marine Plans.
Recordings of the webinar can be accessed at the following link: North West Webinar. Also available is the record of the North West Webinar Q&A session that was held within the webinar.
A recording is also available of the National Webinar, aimed principally at organisations with an interest in more than one draft plan, together with a record of the National Webinar Q&A.
Each Q&A also includes those questions that were not able to be answered within the Webinar concerned due to time constraints.
Please see the North West Marine Plan page for more information on the development of the draft plans.
If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Team at
Do ensure you have your say on the draft marine plan by responding to the consultation before it closes on 6 April 2020.