A new booklet has just been launched – so why not have a look at the lighthouse guide and discover the aids to navigation on the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path.
Since people first ventured out on perilous journeys across the sea many attempts have been made to build landmarks warning sailors of dangers or guiding them to safety. This new guide will help you discover lighthouses, foghorns and beacons along the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path as well as reveal some of the ships that have been wrecked on the rugged shore.
Just to whet your appetite – did you know? Corsewall Lighthouse is the oldest active light on the Rhins of Galloway. It was designed by Robert Stevenson and first lit in 1817!
Click here or on the image below to download your copy of the guide.
The booklet is currently only available as a downloadable pdf.
The Rhins of Galloway Coast Path is a project managed by Dumfries and Galloway Council and supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Coastal Communities Fund.
There are plans to run events to reveal the amazing wildlife and culture on the Rhins coast so keep an eye on the @Rhinsofgallowaycoastpath Facebook page.