Become a FreshWater Watcher in the UK on 20 – 23 September!
FreshWater Watch is a global project run by Earthwatch Europe, an environmental charity with science at its heart. They train and empower communities around the world to measure and monitor the health of their rivers, lakes, streams, ponds and wetlands, so that we can restore freshwater resources, together.
The resulting water quality data is open-access and provides the robust evidence needed to support global efforts to improve freshwater health.
Become a FreshWater Watcher in the UK – The Great UK WaterBlitz is a biannual campaign calling on everyone to go out and test the quality of their local freshwater including rivers, streams and lakes. This helps to build a national picture of water quality across the UK.
Our rivers and freshwater habitats are at crisis point and we need urgent action. Join the project this September to add your data to the fight for healthy freshwater.
Anyone who wants to help fight for better water quality can take part in the Great UK WaterBlitz. People across the UK are wanted to measure their water quality over the weekend of the 20-23rd September so that we can create a national picture of the health of our rivers.
You can test any freshwater body (rivers, streams, canals and lakes), anywhere in the UK. Freshwater that is downstream of a sewage treatment works or an outfall pipe is more likely to have higher nutrient levels than freshwater that is upstream of potential pollution sources. Before you do your test, make sure it’s safe to do so – we advise staying several metres away from potential pollution sources for your own health and safety – and that you have permission to be on the land (if it is private property).
To register to take part click here