Interested in a Marine Themed PhD?
How about ‘The marine rewilding effect: Building a cost-effective framework for measuring Marine Net Gain’
This PhD project will provide a robust, scalable framework for monitoring marine rewilding in relation to emergent nature markets and biodiversity offsetting. CreditNature is this project’s industry partner, who developed the world’s first externally accredited framework for terrestrial ecosystems, however they lack the expert knowledge of marine ecosystems. This project supports the creation of measurable, market-ready ecological assets, which will be directly relevant to CreditNature and other nature finance organisations requiring robust data on investment in nature credits. It will enable CreditNature to replicate their successes to marine environments, enabling nature positive outcomes at an even greater scale. The project will use data from Loch Craignish (with SeaWilding), open-source datasets, and newly collected field data.
Fully funded, more at