Government launches consultation into a new nature mapping plan for local communities

The government has launched a consultation into a new nature mapping plan for local communities.

The Local Nature Recovery Strategies aim to help drive up the recovery of England’s landscapes and wildlife locally by creating a new tool for local areas to agree priorities and map proposals for nature’s recovery – ensuring more value is placed on nature.

The Local Nature Recovery Strategies will help local communities work together to help identify where we should take action for nature’s recovery as part of building our national Nature Recovery Network (NRN), as well as where nature-based solutions could make a difference to help address wider environmental issues, such as mitigating flood risk and planting trees or restoring peatland for carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change.

The consultation launch follows successful Local Nature Recovery Strategies pilots in Cornwall, Buckinghamshire, Greater Manchester, Northumberland and Cumbria which showed how local groups can work collaboratively together to produce their strategies. Managed by Natural England in conjunction with the local partner organisations, the pilots have informed the policy development and next steps.

The deadline for responses to the consultation is Tuesday 2nd November.

For more information and to take part in the consultation visit the .gov website