Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Extends

Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Extends.

Just over ten years since Galloway & Southern Ayrshire was designated Scotland’s first UNESCO Biosphere, a global delegation of UN officials announced the renewal of the site’s UNESCO status for a further ten years.  This is in recognition of its pioneering achievements in sustainable development and supporting global climate change goals. The revalidation reflects southwest Scotland’s world class natural heritage and the leading role the Biosphere plays in building a secure and greener economic future for Scotland and the UK.

Further highlighting the area’s global significance, the UNESCO delegation also revealed that the GSA Biosphere’s boundary will now be extended to incorporate Alloway (the home of Scotland’s national bard Robert Burns), the Rhins of Galloway (Scotland’s most southernly point) and 12 nautical miles of the marine environment. The site will grow from more than 5,200 km² to almost 9,800 km².

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