Events on Future of Fishery Management in Scotland

  • On 4 March the Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy, Mr Ewing, launched the Scottish Government’s national discussion paper on the Future of Fisheries Management in Scotland: ( As part of the discussion paper process Marine Scotland are holding a range of events around the country and aim to speak to as many stakeholders as they can to give people the chance to feed in their views and ideas to shape how they will manage Scotland’s fisheries going forward. All feedback received as part of these events will be used in the analysis of the public response to the discussion paper and it’s a great opportunity for you to get your voices heard.
  • Details of the planned events are as follows:
  • 20th May, Oban – SAMS 18:30 – 21:30
    22nd and 30th May, Live Twitter Q&A Events 11:00 – 13:00
    29th May, Scalloway – NAFC Marine Centre UHI 13:00 – 16:00
    14th June, Glasgow – Event location and venue TBC
    26th June, Peterhead (Boddam) – Buchan Braes Hotel 15:00 – 18:00
    July (TBC), Edinburgh – Event location and venue TBC

For further information please contact the Future Fisheries Management Team at Marine Scotland using the email address

Pre-registration isn’t needed although it would of course be helpful to let Marine Scotland know if you do intend to attend. They will provide an update on dates / locations for those still to be confirmed in due course.

In addition Marine Scotland would welcome written responses to the paper, which you can submit via Citizen Space at or send your views to the Future Fisheries Management mailbox (as above).