News from Solway Firth Partnership, New Job Vacancy!

New Job Vacancy, Stranraer Skiffieworlds 2019, NW Marine Plan Engagement
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SFP Now Recruiting for a New SMILE Project Officer

News, January 2019

Solway Marine Information 
Learning Environment Project 
Officer Post

Solway Firth Partnership is seeking applications for the post of Project Officer for the SMILE (Solway Marine Information Learning Environment) Project.  The Project Officer will be an enthusiastic, positive and self-motivated person who will deliver the remaining two years of the three-year SMILE project, developing and using novel methodology for engaging with the public / local communities / sectoral groups around the Solway to both raise awareness of marine planning and to gather local knowledge and information on sectors within the Solway.  

The closing date for applications is 12.00noon on Wednesday 13 February 2019.

For further information or to download an application pack for this post visit the website,

This post is supported by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund through the Scottish Government and the European Union.

 News Update & Events

Thursday 31 January
Beach Clean, Crosscannonby
Coastal erosion is changing the shape of this beach, so every visit brings a surprise. Previous clean-ups have found tyres, traffic cones and lobster pots. More information from CWT website here

Daily in February
'Birds of Sea, Loch and Shore' Exhibition, WWT Caerlaverock 
Visit this free exhibition of a selection of work inspired by birds, some local, others less so, by local print maker Lisa Hooper.  More information here

Until 15 February
St Bees Head Heritage Coast Extension 
Copeland Borough Council is asking for your views on the proposal to extend the St Bees Heritage Coast northwards towards Whitehaven.  More information here


Stranraer Skiffieworlds 2019

Sun 7 to Sat 13 July 2019

SkiffieWorlds is a colourful and friendly celebration of coastal rowing. Stranraer and Loch Ryan in South West Scotland have been selected as the venue for the next major international coastal rowing event ‘SkiffieWorlds 2019’.

Up to 1000 competitors, some from as far away as the United States, New Zealand, Canada, Tasmania and Europe and as many as 70 Skiffs are expected to participate in the World Championships for the St Ayles Skiff class of Coastal Rowing Boat. 
The event will provide unique opportunity to show case Stranraer, Loch Ryan and the surrounding area, creating a focus for water based activities and highlighting Loch Ryan as an ideal venue for other major national and international events and activities. 

Volunteers are needed to help run this event.  To find out more and get involved click here

MMO NW Marine Plan Update

The Iteration 3 online engagement opened on Monday 21 January and will run until Friday 29 March 2019. The online process is the most comprehensive way to view and provide comment on the Iteration 3 products:

  • preferred draft policies;
  • draft supporting text for policies including on implementation; and
  • the next steps in marine planning.

Workshops are being held to support the online process. For the Solway, the workshop will be held at:

Carlisle, Tullie House on Wednesday 27 February 2019, 9.30am  - 4.00pm

Lunch and refreshments will be provided. You are advised to register as soon as possible to guarantee your place as spaces are limited.  

If you are unable to attend the Carlisle workshop there is another workshop for the NW Marine Plan Areas. For more information about the process click here

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