News from Solway Firth Partnership, August 2019

New Beach Guide for Cumbrian Solway, Join the Saltmarsh Focus Group, Solway Coast AONB Plan
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New Beach Guide for Cumbrian Solway Launched at Active Coast Week

News, July 2019

A new guide for families and adventurers has just been launched at Allonby during Allerdale's Active Coast Week

Allonby Beach was the location for the launch of the new Beach and Explorers Guide to the Solway Cumbrian Coast yesterday.  

Solway Firth Partnership has worked with the Solway Coast AONB, Allerdale Borough Council and Copeland Borough Council to come up with a colourful, easy to use guide.  It highlights all the great beaches for families and adventurers along the Solway Cumbrian Coast from Burgh Marsh in the north to St Bees in the south.

To give you a flavour of the guide, did you know that the flour to make biscuits at the Carrs (McVities) factory in Carlisle still arrives by boat into Silloth port?  Or that you can still find sea-polished glass on the beach at Parton from an old factory that made glass bottles. 

To find out more or to download the guide click here

 News Update & Events

Sat 27 July
Litter pick Mawbray
Join the litter pick from 10.00am to 12.00noon.  Meet at free car park reached via a short gravel track off the B5300 coast road opposite Mawbray village. 

Until 8 Sept
Coastwise Exhibition
Visit the Solway Coastwise exhibition at Annan Museum. More info here

Tuesday 6 August
Damsels and Dragons
A family event at WWT Caerlaverock looking at the differences between dragonflies and damselflies. More info here


Invitation to Participate in a Focus Group about Saltmarshes

A PhD student at St Andrews University is currently looking for local people to join a focus group on saltmarshes. Participants will be:

 - Contributing to a major new study of saltmarsh ecosystems that will help inform future coastal management
 - Supporting innovative research from Scotland's first University
 - Engaging with environmental partnerships that seek to find nature-based solutions to the current climate emergency

So if you're interested in getting involved why not go along to one of the sessions which will be held in Dumfries on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 August.

For more information and to book onto the focus group click here
Have your say on the new Solway Coast AONB Management Plan

The Solway Coast AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) came under full scale management in 1996. The area stretches from its easterly boundary at Floriston on the Border Esk to Maryport on the West Cumbrian Coast. Its area covers approximately 118 Sq KM.

Every five years, the team review and produce a management plan for the Solway Coast AONB. The time has now come to prepare for the next plan which starts in 2020.

What do you think should be the priorities for the Solway AONB and its landscape? If you haven't already done so, please tell the team by clicking below and completing a short online survey.

Click here

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