Solway Firth Partnership November 2016 Newsletter

Still Some Places left on the SFP / Solway Coast AONB Joint Conference - Don't forget to Book Now!
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Don't Forget to Book onto SFP / Solway Coast AONB Conference with Miranda Krestovnikoff

News for November 2016

It's Not Too Late to Book onto the Joint SFP / Solway Coast AONB Conference

Friday 25 November, Smiths Hotel at Gretna Green

With only three weeks to go it's not too late to book onto the FREE Solway Firth Partnership / Solway Coast AONB joint conference.  But don't leave it too late as places are limited and booking is essential!

This year's conference is jam packed with great speakers and fascinating workshops for you to get really involved in.

Once booked on, you will be able to choose to attend workshops focusing on the potential of renewable energy from the Solway; the challenge of marine planning through a table-top strategy game; the power of Citizen Science and how you too can help the future of our seas; or a look at how local places names and oral memories help us understand the Solway landscape.  And of course much more on the day…..

The conference is free and includes lunch but places are limited so booking is essential.  Find more information here or book your place by emailing or call 01387 702161 / 702362 with name / contact details by 15 November.  

Photo credit Epic Photography

 News Update & Events

November 2016
Tidelines Now Available!
The winter 2016 edition of Tidelines is now available.  You can download a copy by clicking here or pick up a copy at your local library or other local outlet.  If you're not sure where to pick up Tidelines contact SFP at

Friday 25 November 2016
Conference Time!
Don't forget to book onto the SFP / Solway Coast AONB Joint Conference.  There are still a few places left so find out how to book by clicking here

Sunday 4 December 2016
Dawn Flight, WWT Caerlaverock
Join the wardens as they open early to experience the wild geese flighting in against the dawn sky.  For more details contact or phone 01387 770200

Thursday 15 December 2016
High Tide Perambulation, RSPB Crook of Baldoon
Take a gentle stroll along the flood bank at RSPB Crook of Baldoon to look out for local wildlife. For more details contact or phone 01988 402130

Formal Consultation on the Potential Solway Firth Special Protection Area 

A joint formal consultation is being undertaken by Natural England (NE) and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) regarding the Solway Firth potential Special Protection Area (pSPA). The pSPA is a cross-border site and so NE have been working in close collaboration with SNH throughout. It was also jointly agreed that as the site lies mainly within Scottish waters, SNH will act as the lead Statutory Nature Conservation Body for the proposals and this consultation.

The pSPA consultation runs from 25 October 2016 to midnight on 17 January 2017 and seeks the views of all interested parties on the scientific case for the classification of the pSPA.

For more information on the consultation click here

Solway Coastwise Project 
Caves, Graves on a Haunted Coast

Do you know any spooky stories set on the Dumfries and Galloway Coast?  The combination of rugged shorelines and shifting sands mean there must be many tales told about smugglers, shipwrecks or the occasional mysterious body washed up on the strandline.

Bogle Hole, Deadman's Bay and Boney Cave are all place names that are enough to strike fear into the heart of anyone with a vivid imagination. If you know of any salty tales linked to places along the coast, the Solway Coastwise Project would like to hear from you.

Get in touch by emailing - or for more information about the project click here
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Solway Firth Partnership, Campbell House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4UQ
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