Solway Firth Partnership November 2014 Newsletter

Consultation on Luce Bay


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Consultation on Management Proposals for Luce Bay


News for November, 2014

MPA and SAC Consultation on Management Proposals

Views are being sought on proposed measures to protect some of Scotland’s most important marine sites including Luce Bay Special Area of Conservation.

A 12 week public consultation has been launched about the Scottish Government’s new management proposals for 11 recently-designated Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and nine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) in inshore waters.  As well as inviting responses on the Scottish Government website, a series of 14 drop-in events are being held around the country as part of the consultation. This will include an event at Stranraer Library on Thursday 27 November between 3pm and 9pm.

Scotland’s Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead said: “Scotland’s seas are a vast and vital natural resource and it is our duty to protect and enhance it for future generations. Through our network of MPAs, we have already identified which sites should be protected – now we want to hear views on the new management proposals. Our proposals for these 20 high priority sites have been developed following discussions with the fishing industry, environmental organisations and local authorities and are designed to ensure that the conservation objectives for each site are met, in line with expert advice from Scottish Natural Heritage.  

This consultation is an opportunity for anyone who is interested in the protection of our seas to express their views about our proposals, and we are keen to hear from as many people as possible.”

For more information read here



 News Update

November 2014

Over 100 people attend the SFP / AONB Conference.  A wide range of topics were presented and discussed with the event closing with an entertaining history of smuggling on the Solway.  Proceedings of the conference will soon be available on the SFP website

Nov - Dec 2014

Consultation for Scotland's Marine Tourism Strategy. Further to the launch of the consultation for the draft Marine Tourism Strategy, a series of workshops will now be held around Scotland to encourage people to contribute to development of the final strategy.  For more information read here

December  2014

Happy Birthday to the Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  The site was designated in December 1964! 

Memories of the Wig and Loch Ryan in World War 2

Come along and share your WW2 stories, memories and photos about the Wig and Loch Ryan -
Thursday 4 December 2014
2pm – 4pm at Kirkcolm Public Hall,
Church Rd, Kirkcolm, Stranraer, DG9 0NN
5pm – 7pm at Stranraer Library,
2–10 North Strand St, Stranraer, DG9 7LD

Solway Firth Partnership is working with Dumfries and Galloway Council, Kirkcolm Community Council and the SCAPE Trust, an archaeology charity, to bring together memories, stories and photographs about World War 2 in and around Loch Ryan. This is the first step in a project to gather available material.

To find out more about the project read here

Solway Inshore Fisheries Sub-Group Project Workshop and Meeting

Local fishermen are invited to attend a Solway Inshore Fisheries Sub-Group Project Workshop and Meeting on Friday 12 December, between 10.30am and 2.00pm, at the Creebridge House Hotel in Newton Stewart. 
The main purpose of the event is to progress two projects that are underway to help protect the long term sustainability and profitability of the Solway creel fishery: a lobster v-notching trial and the introduction of creel escape panels.
Both initiatives are voluntary and are intended to help increase valuable commercial crab and lobster stocks and shorten the time it takes fishermen to sort their catch.

To find out more about the project read here
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Solway Firth Partnership, Campbell House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4UQ
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