Solway Firth Partnership July 2016 Newsletter

The MMO Call for Issues/Evidence,  Solway Coastwise Project Receives Funding, Save the Date for Joint Conference 
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The MMO Call for Issues with Supporting Evidence - Spaces Available at Marine Planning Workshop

News for July 2016

MMO Call for Issues with Supporting Evidence

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have launched a Call for Issues with Supporting Evidence for the North West marine plan area which includes the Solway. 

Identifying and understanding the opportunities and challenges for the marine plan areas is critical to developing meaningful and tailored marine plans. Local, specialist and industry knowledge is at the heart of this, and your contribution is essential.

As part of the call a number of workshops are being held across the North West in July.  There are still some spaces available at your local workshop in Kendal on Tuesday 12 July.

For more information on the workshops and the Call for Issues click here

For more information or advice on issues and evidence, please email


 News Update & Events

July - Sept 2016
Solway Seafood at Dumfries Museum
The  “Solway Seafood - Out of the Blue” exhibition, which runs until 9 Sept, can now be found at Dumfries Museum along with a variety of fishy activities for you to take part in. For more information click here

Friday 25 November 2016
Save the Date!
Solway Firth Partnership and the Solway Coast AONB will host a joint conference this year with Miranda Krestovnikoff, presenter of Coast, as key speaker.  Put the date in your diary now for a great event at Gretna Green!  

Solway Coastwise Project Successful in Funding Bids

Solway Firth Partnership has been successful in securing funding for the new Solway Coastwise Project. This innovative project will create opportunities for people to become involved with their coast by taking part in coastal ambassador workshops, talks and visits. The Dumfries and Galloway shoreline has an extraordinary range of named features to be researched and recorded. For example, place names not shown on today’s maps include those in the oral tradition like Butcher’s Cave which geology has streaked blood red and Johnny Logie’s which celebrates one of Scotland’s last cave dwellers in the 1960s.

This project is supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund and is part-financed by the Scottish Government and the European Union – LEADER 2014-2020 programme and Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Solway Firth Partnership is seeking applications for the new posts of Coordinator and Assistant. For further information or to download an application pack for this post visit the website 

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Tuesday 12 July 2016. 

Bringing Burns Back to the Brow Well Complete

The Brow Well, a site on the Solway Coast, has just been renovated and improved for visitors. It was made famous by Robert Burns visiting the Well to take the waters and sea bathe.   Unfortunately, he died shortly afterwards and since then the Brow Well has become a place for Burns enthusiasts to visit and contemplate his life and poetry. An annual commemoration service is held in July to mark the Bard’s last days at the Well. The current surrounds of the well feature some words written by Burns reflecting on his mortality.

The path from the Brow Well leads down to the foreshore where Core Path 451, which has recently been upgraded, will take you across the merse to Ruthwell village.
The work at the Brow Well was managed by Solway Firth Partnership and funded/supported by Solway Heritage, The Landfill Communities Fund through Entrust, Dumfries and Galloway Council, National Scenic Areas, Ruthwell and Clarencefield Community Council, David Miller of McGowan Miller, Southern Scottish Counties Burns Association, Burns Howff Club, Dumfries Burns Club, Dumfries Ladies Burns Club No 1, Newton Stewart Burns Club, Gatehouse of Fleet Burns Club, The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dumfriesshire, Stranraer & District Burns Club, St Michaels Church Burns Club, David Smith and Michael Leybourne.
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Solway Firth Partnership, Campbell House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4UQ
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