News from Solway Firth Partnership, May 2019

C-Side Volunteers needed!, Crown Estate Scotland announcement, D&G Environment Fair, World Oceans Day
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C-Side and a Call for Citizen Science Volunteers! 

News, May 2019

The C-Side Carbon Storage Project Seeks Volunteers for Salt Marsh Survey

The NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded C-SIDE (Carbon Storage in Inter tidal Environments) project is looking into the importance of salt marshes in absorbing carbon dioxide to combat climate change. 

C-SIDE is collecting lots of soil samples from salt marshes across England, Scotland and Wales. In the lab, they will measure how much of this soil is organic carbon (made up of things like roots and dead leaves) and then use the samples to go back in time - 12,000 years in fact - to see how carbon storage has changed since the Last Ice Age. 

Though the project is covering as much of the British coastline as possible, they can’t do it on their own. They need Citizen Scientists to help! Here’s what volunteers are being asked to do:

1.    Head down to their nearest saltmarsh and follow instructions using the ‘Saltmarsh App’ to complete a simple plant and soil survey
2.    Collect nine small soil samples using equipment provided by post
3.    Return the samples to the project with a pre-paid envelope

You can find out more about the C-SIDE project here 

If you are interested in taking part contact the project officer at and you will be sent out an information pack with instructions on how to carry out a survey.

The survey doesn’t take long, and it’s a great way for people to explore their local salt marsh! 

 News Update & Events

Sat 4 May to Sat 15 June
Haaf Net History Exhibition
Unique to the Solway, haaf netting has been practised in Annan for over a thousand years. Visit the exhibition at Annan Museum. More info here

Saturday 18 May
D&G Environment Fair
Over 50 organisations will be at this family day at Glasgow University, Dumfries Campus, to learn about the environment in a fun way. More info here

Wednesday 29 May
Sea Bird Walk at St Bees Head
Join Cumbria Wildlife Trust West Coast Local Group for an evening walk to St Bees Head to see the nesting seabird colony of guillemots and razorbills. More info here

Saturday 8 June
Creative Writing 
Join Ann Lingard for a day of Solway Coast inspired writing at the Solway Wetlands Centre, RSPB Campfield Marsh.  More info here

New leasing round announced for offshore wind projects

Crown Estate Scotland has announced that the new leasing round for offshore wind projects is likely to fully launch in October 2019. Further information has also been provided on the proposed process and timelines to help developers and communities gain understanding of the next steps.

The proposed timings are:
  • Pre-launch to provide further information, July 2019
  • Crown Estate Scotland Leasing Launched, October 2019
  • Deadline for applications to Crown Estate Scotland, Feb to April 2020
  • Offer of option agreements to successful applicants following Final Sectoral Plan adopted by Scottish Ministers, May to July 2020
More information is available here. Final timings of the leasing are directly linked to the development of Marine Scotland’s (MS) Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind. More information on the scoping report can be found on the MS website here
World Oceans Day at Port William Saturday 8 June

World Oceans Day is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future. First proposed in 1992, World Oceans Day happens every year on the same date, 8 June, with events happening around the World to help educate, encourage, and celebrate ocean appreciation and conservation. 

Solway Firth Partnership will be once again hold an event in Dumfries and Galloway!  Join the community of Port William between 12.00noon and 5.00pm on Saturday 8 June for a fantastic, marine-themed, activity-filled event for all the family. The Inshore Rescue boathouse will be open to the public with the room next door open for all the activities. 

There will be plenty of opportunities to learn about the marine environment and the sea creatures that live there.  There is also an opportunity to let your creativity thrive with interactive and art based activities.

We are all very excited to see you at World Oceans Day!

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