Volunteer Work Party This Week at Crosscanonby Carr Nature Reserve – Cancelled!!

This event has been cancelled due to the storm weather being forecast for the end of this week!


The Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) will be undertaking a path restoration project this week (Thu 29 and Fri 30 Oct) and next week (Wed 4th and Thu 5th Nov) at Crosscanonby Carr Nature Reserve.

They will need as many hands as possible to help. There are jobs for all abilities! However, some of the work will be quite taxing, for that reason they will wrap up a little earlier than normal at 3pm.

The Solway Coast AONB will be operating in a Covid secure environment. That means everyone will need to follow government guidelines and socially distance.

Please bring along your own masks and gloves. Staff will go through other Covid secure procedures on the day to keep everybody fit and healthy. If you are vulnerable or showing any symptoms of Covid-19 please refrain from coming.

If you plan to come along can you please email Anna on anna.pollard@allerdale.gov.uk