The Great Global Nurdle Hunt 13 – 22 March 2020

This year between 13 – 22 March the Great Global Nurdle Hunt are calling for individuals, groups and organisations to head out to their local beach and take part in the #GreatGlobalNurdleHunt!

Its easy, fun and contributes valuable data to the map.

Taking part will support the calls for industry and government to make changes which will prevent this form of pollution at source. Learn more about what are being called for here.

The Great Global Nurdle Hunt are looking for people across the world to take part. Do you know someone in another country, or an organisation that might be keen to take part?

Forward them this email and let them know about the #GreatGlobalNurdleHunt.

Last year, there were nurdle hunts taking place in 32 countries. Can you help to make it bigger this year?

Go on, sign up and spread the word!

For more information visit the website