SWSEIC Wildlife Recorders’ Gathering on 30 March 2019

South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre (SWSEIC) is pleased to welcome everyone with an interest in wildlife and wildlife recording in SW Scotland to a spring gathering on 30 March 2019. The event will be an informal day of talks, presentations, networking and displays covering the wonderful wildlife of SW Scotland.

This years event, the first SWSEIC recorders’ gathering in 10 years, will take place at the wonderful Dumfries Baptist Church Centre in Dumfries.

Topics for presentations will include:-

– bird ringing in D&G

– restoring our damaged peat bogs

– local monitoring of marine invasive species

– the future for biological recording in Scotland

– plant recording

– South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project update

– the National Plant Monitoring Scheme

– plus others to be confirmed

For more information or to book a place click here