Engagement Outputs
Outputs - Wordle
The ‘Wordle’ opposite includes 582 word or phrase responses from over 190 stakeholders around the Solway. These were collected throughout the SMILE project when prompted with the engagement question; ‘What’s your vision for the future of the Solway?’
Participants were able to respond with up to three words or phrases to represent their vision for the Solway.
The larger the word appears in the wordle opposite, the more frequently it has been submitted as a response ‘vision’. This output provides a very clear indication of the areas of interest, concern and desires of stakeholders from around the Solway when looking towards the future. Stakeholders often focussed their responses on ensuring the health, natural beauty, and enjoyment of the area as well as access and infrastructure, tourism, and the need for investment in the area. Participants discussed personal enjoyment of the area and wider community needs and benefits as well as ecosystem protection and sustainability.
Limited responses have also been divided given that they cover several different aspects of what a respondent wants to see, for example ‘Promote the area for locals and tourists’ was divided into ‘Promote the area for locals’ and ‘tourism’.
As you can also see from the wordle many words appear too small to be seen clearly at the resolution. In order to try to provide some additional clarity without compromising on the variety of responses and also help provide a clearer output some ‘generalisation’ of words has taken place. Generalisation was conducted in order to ensure words with the same intention or meaning were given a truly representative size within the Wordle and reduced the repetition of words with the same intention. For example, this occurred for words such as ‘accessible’ and ‘access’. Both have the same intention behind them, to ensure that the future Solway Firth has adequate access for enjoyment and activities to continue around the coast and in the marine environment. Furthermore, the words are not specific in terms of one type of access, for example additional vehicle access, marine vessel access, pathway access, or other access. As all of these responses are focussed on general accessibility of the Solway Firth or coast, all of these responses have been generalised to ‘accessible’ for the wordle opposite.
This generalisation occurred for several words within the wordle opposite, however the original responses have also been stored and an alternative wordle, without this generalisation, is available.
Image; The SMILE Engagement ‘wordle’ output from words and phrases which represent stakeholders vision for the future of the Solway Firth. © Solway Firth Partnership.