Appendix 4 – Disclaimer & Points to Note

Inclusion of 1996 Solway Review Text and Solway Firth Partnership Text
Please note that as this review builds upon the information provided in The Solway Firth Review (1996). There are sections of text which are directly taken from the original report. These sections of text are of varying lengths and are in several of the report sections. These sections of text will not be referenced or have quotation marks. This is because the 1996 report is still highly relevant in many topics and has certain information which remains consistent in the Solway. Both reports are published by Solway Firth Partnership and the current review serves the purpose of building on the previous review as opposed to entirely replacing it.

Some text has been taken from Solway Firth Partnership published documents and the Partnership’s website. This has been done with overall permission of the Partnership. Please be aware that text from Solway Firth Partnership is not referenced throughout the text. Tables and images are referenced.

The ‘productive’ chapter of the Solway Review is populated with data and information from the Socio-economic Assessment’s for the Scottish (SEASS), and English Solway (SEAES), which are two separate projects completed in 2020. Sections of the text in the Productive chapter and productive overview will be directly from the SEASS or SEAES Reports. These reports are available here. The socio-economic reports were needed in light of socio-economic changes impacting the Solway Firth, and also for the purpose of populating the productive section of the Solway Review. Text from the SEASS and SEAES reports is not referenced individually.

The SEASS and SEAES reports were completed in March 2020 by EKOS Consultants. These were funded as separate projects through the European Maritime Fisheries Fund  administered by Marine Scotland and the Marine Management Organisation in England. These reports were completed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore do not consider the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on Solway Firth sectors.

The Solway Review may occasionally discuss the UK exit from the European Union (Brexit) or the global Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) but does not delve into the potential changes or impacts of these two issues in any great detail.
This decision was taken due to the many unknowns throughout writing the Solway Review, the evolving circumstances, and also the unknown potential future issues arising from Brexit and the global Coronavirus pandemic. Reviewing the entire Solway Review in light of ongoing, and constant, changes was unrealistic.


Image; Front Cover of the original ‘Solway Firth Review’ 1996. © Solway Firth Partnership.

Please see the Terms and Conditions for more information.

Solway Firth Partnership accepts no liability of responsibility for the use by third parties of results, information or methods presented in this report.

Solway Firth Partnership accepts no liability for loss or damage suffered by the reader or third parties as a result of errors or inaccuracies in such third party data.

Information presented in the Solway Review is gathered from other sources and presented in the review for ease of finding that information and providing an overall assessment of the state of the Solway. Anyone wishing to use information presented within this report is encouraged to read the source material utilised or references provided. Readers are encouraged to investigate further into topics they are interested in or reliant on.

Please also note that the data presented may not be the most up-to date at the time of reading the review as legislation, social, economic, and environmental aspects are all included within the review and are all subject to frequent change, especially in light of new and ongoing research.

Reasonable steps have been taken to supply correct information within this Solway Review. However, while every effort is made to ensure that the information given here is accurate, Solway Firth Partnership assumes no legal liability for the accuracy of information or data. Solway Firth Partnership accepts no legal responsibility for any errors, outdated information, omissions or misleading statements.


Image; Burgh-by-Sands salt marsh during a CSIDE salt marsh survey. © Solway Firth Partnership.

Appendix 4 – Disclaimer & Points to Note


The Solway Review will frequently provide links to interactive mapping websites such as National Marine Plan Interactive, Marine Management Organisations Marine Planning Evidence Base, and others.

Solway Firth Partnership does not own any of the data provided through these maps and they are the property of the owner of the website they have originated from.

Any maps provided in the right hand panel are live maps from external websites displayed within the Solway Review and are subject to change. SFP holds no responsibility for the data provided in these maps.

None of the maps provided are to be used for navigation purposes.


Image; Southerness from Southerness Lighthouse © G. Reid/Sowlay Firth Partnership

Appendix 4 – Disclaimer & Points to Note

Hyperlink Disclaimer

Hyperlinks, when clicked on, will open a new tab directing the reader to more information on the topic, or the source of information.

Hyperlinks provided within this report have been tested to ensure they redirect the reader to the targeted document or webpage. However, Solway Firth Partnership is not responsible for the content which these links redirect you to and takes no responsibility for them.

When the hyperlink directs the reader to a document in a new window a link to the final webpage will be provided before the report itself opens, wherever possible. At times the hyperlink will link the reader directly to the document, for example in word or pdf format, and may open the linked document within an alternative computer program as opposed to a new web window.

When images on the right-hand side of the screen displays ‘Go To Interactive Map’ the reader will be redirected to the interactive map which is displayed in that image. Wherever possible the layers depicted in the image will already be open and ready to interact with.

Although several different interactive mapping sources are used throughout the Review the majority of these are from the National Marine Plan Interactive, and Marine Planning Evidence Base, from Marine Scotland and the Marine Management Organisation respectively.


Please note that SFP will undertake to keep the Solway Review up to date but does not take responsibility for the current or ongoing validity of hyperlinks. is hyperlinked for much of the domestic legislation within the Review, however some legislation has pending amendments, and some other legislation is in its original form failing to account for any changes since that date. For example the; Conservation (Natural Habitats, & c.) Regulations 2010 & Conservation of Offshore Marine Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 are both linked however only provides these statutes in their original form, without amendments. Despite this limitation may provide updates in the future and also carries almost all UK primary and secondary legislation and associated documents such as explanatory notes, and therefore is frequently linked.


Image; Harrington. © Solway Firth Partnership.

Appendix 4 – Disclaimer & Points to Note

Points to Note

Please note that national and international legislation, directives, conventions, and similar documents will not be noted within the references. Legislation is hyperlinked and fully named within the Solway Review text.

These documents are hyperlinked where possible within the text and are not referenced further. Hyperlinks and/or the information provided within the text is sufficient to direct the reader to the relevant document.


Image; Port Mora (Southern Upland Way). © G. Reid/ Solway Firth Partnership