The Solway Review website is now live!
The SMILE (Solway Marine Information, Learning, and Environment) Project has been working to design and populate the online Solway Review, an update to the 1996 Solway Review, and in the same style as Scotland’s Marine Atlas and Clyde Marine Region Assessment.
The SMILE Project (funded though the European Maritime Fisheries Fund administered by Marine Scotland) is pleased to be launching the Storymap-style site for initial public viewing. Sections from each chapter are being launched publicly in order to gain feedback and make changes based on that feedback.
Page population is ongoing, with 39 sections currently published and available to read, with more sections being added on an ongoing basis. This means that some sections will prompt and error message when clicked on, however the pages where this happens will be published in due course, so stay tuned!
Open the Solway Review here! Explore, and learn more about the Solway Firth.
You can even continue to offer your opinion on the Stakeholder Engagement questions.
The SMILE project is welcoming any and all feedback on the Review and your user experience of the online platform which has been designed. You can also feel free to contact the SMILE Project Officer with any questions you may have. To give feedback or ask a question to the Project Officer email;
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