Solway Firth Partnership September 2014 Newsletter

SFP/Solway Coast AONB Joint Conference Line-up Announced 


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SFP/ Solway Coast AONB Joint Conference Friday 14 November Line-up Announced

News for September, 2014

Solway Firth Partnership /Solway Coast AONB Joint Conference 2014 Line-up Announced
Friday 14 November

We are pleased to announce the line-up for the Solway Firth Partnership / Solway Coast Area of Oustanding Natural Beauty Joint Conference on Friday 14 November 2014 at the Hallmark Hotel in Carlisle. This year is particularly special as we celebrate 50 years of the Solway Coast AONB.

Keynote speaker at this event will be Eric Robson, Cumbrian based writer and broadcaster, known to many as co-chairman of BBC Radio 4 Gardeners' Question Time. Another highlight of our conference will be Richard Platt's talk on Smuggling on the Solway. Richard is a well known award-winning author who regularly appears on radio and TV talking about maritime topics.

Our programme will also include workshops on the next 50 Years of the AONB and the Star of Caledonia, as well as updates on LEADER funding, coastal access in Cumbria, sea fisheries and lots more.

To book your place at the conference please e-mail or call the Solway Coast AONB office 016973 33055.

Breaking News

September  2014

Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013. The Scottish Government has published last year's statistics on Scottish sea fisheries. For more detail read the executive summary.

October 2014

The swans are coming back. As the first migratory birds start returning to the Solway, WWT Caerlaverock begin their daily feeds of the wild swans on 1. October. More information here.

November 2014

Beach Litter Pick at Allonby, Friday 21 November. Join the AONB Volunteers for a beach litter pick towards Dubmill Point. For more detail contact Graeme Proud.

Dumfries & Galloway
Wild Autumn Festival

11 October to 2 November 

This festival will give you the best chance to get up close and personal with a number of iconic autumn species such as red deer, red squirrels and red kites. It's also a time when the region welcomes back thousands of migratory geese to the Solway, where they stay throughout the winter.
You are invited to events where you can join the experts in exploring, experiencing and learning about nature. From walks, workshops and wildlife recording sessions to pond dipping and story telling there is something for every age group!

For more details visit the Wild Seasons Events Page.

Possible extension of Solway Firth SPA

Following the UK Government's commitment to identify and classify a network of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) across the marine environment, information has been published recently by SNH, JNCC and Marine Scotland on a suite of marine draft Special Protected Areas (dSPAs) including one in the Solway Firth.
As a classification under the Birds Directive, SPAs are aimed at the protection of rare, vulnerable and migratory birds.  Qualifying bird species for the Solway Firth dSPA include red-throated diver, common scoter and goosander. Formal consultation on the site is likely to take place early in 2015. The completion of the designated network can be expected by the end of 2015.
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Solway Firth Partnership, Campbell House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4UQ
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