Solway Firth Partnership January 2015 Newsletter

Into a New Year with Solway Firth Partnership!


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Into a New Year with Solway Firth Partnership!


News for January 2015

New Year's News

As everyone has returned from their Christmas break, routine is settling back in at Solway Firth Partnership. Here is some news the New Year has brought with it:
A number of new layers have been added and updated to the National Marine Plan interactive (NMPi). The new layers include proposals for remaining Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and the latest figures on human populations according to the Census 2011 showing the density of usual residents by output areas. Furthermore, a new section called “National Marine Plan – 2015” has been added which displays all the maps in the national marine plan that was lodged in the Scottish Parliament in December 2014. Additional updates were introduced in the categories Spills, Casualties and Search & Rescue, Aquaculture, Historic Environment and Cultural Heritage, Defence and, finally, Fishing. Any feedback or suggestion for new data sets that would be useful to display on NMPi are welcome at all times and can be sent to Martyn Cox at

As part of the Improvement Programme for England’s Natura 2000 Sites (IPENS)Site Improvement Plan (SIP) for Solway Firth has been published. SIP220 provides an overview of the issues (both current and predicted) affecting the condition of the Natura 2000 features on the site(s) and outlines the priority measures required to improve the condition of the features. Find out more.
 News Update

January 2015 
Volunteer to remove blackthorn and scrub. Support AONB and Cumbria Wildlife Trust by helping to them to remove some of the scrub around Orton Moss on Thursday 29 January. Find out more.

January 2015
Mull of Galloway featured in BBC2 TV programme. For "The Adventure Show" Cameron McNeish climbed the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse and walked the Rhins of Galloway coast and beyond. Follow his journey here.

December 2014
Oldest Barnacle Goose on record seen on the Solway. The goose ringed at a WWT catch in 1999 was spotted by keen observers. The ring records suggest that the bird is at least 30 years and 4 months old. Find out more about barnacle geese by visiting WWT Caerlaverock.

Cumbrian Coastal Access 

Work is on-going to consider various options for alignment of the Gretna to Allonby stretch of the Cumbrian Coastal path.

Site visits are underway and meetings with various marsh committees being arranged. A 'sensitive features' assessment is also being undertaken for this stretch – working closely with relevant nature conservation specialists.

To find out more about the project read here

Successful drop-in session on WW2 at the Wig

Local residents from Kirkcolm and Stranraer came along to drop-in sessions with memorabilia, photos and their own stories of the WW2 base at the Wig during the 1940s and 1950s.

The information gathered will now be used in a reminiscence exhibition which will be produced by the SCAPE Trust with the help of local people.

If you have any other stories, photos or other materials get in touch at
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Solway Firth Partnership, Campbell House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4UQ
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