Solway Firth Partnership February 2014 Newsletter

News of Solway invasions, death of a monster and SFP website. 
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Welcome to the new Solway Firth Partnership E-Newsletter

News for February, 2014

New look Solway Firth Partnership Website

The first edition of the Solway Firth Partnership E-Newsletter launches our brand new website helping us to spread the word on both sides of the Solway Firth so we can work together towards a sustainable future.

Through the website we aim to engage with as many people as possible keeping you up to date with the development of policies and delivery of projects which influence the way we use our sea and coasts.

We hope you find the E-Newsletter informative and enjoy the new look website.
Breaking News

Feb 2014

Consultation on the Draft National Marine Plan has ended. See responses online: National Marine Plan Consultation Draft - Responses 

Feb 2014

The Consultation Report on the Scottish Marine Regions Order 2013 is now available online. 

March 2014

Strandline Exhibition launches at the Mill on the Fleet.

Marine Invasive Non-native Species in the Solway

The spread of marine invasive non-native species (INNS) can lead to financial costs for fisheries, aquaculture, commercial and leisure marine sectors. They can also damage local species and habitats which can impact on the food chain and biodiversity. A pocket guide is now available to help identify marine INNS in the Solway. Download your copy from the Solway Firth Partnership website : please click here Hard copies of the ID guide will be available shortly at harbours and ports around the Solway.

The Solway Sea Monster is Dead

The mysterious Solway Sea Monster is no more. High tides and stormy winter weather destroyed the Monster which appeared this summer at Red Haven beach, Auchencairn. Created by Alice Francis as part of the Making the Most of the Coast initiative, the Monster was inspired by the issues of unsightly marine litter, particularly durable plastic, washed up on the strandline, which can be dangerous for people and wildlife. Young people from across Europe visited the Solway YES campus and made a short film featuring the Monster : Please click here
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Solway Firth Partnership, Campbell House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4UQ
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