Solway Firth Partnership Extra News in May 2015 Newsletter

SFP Advertise for a Administrator / Finance Officer


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Solway Firth Partnership Recruitment for Administrator / Finance Officer


Extra News for May 2015

Solway Firth Partnership Advertises a New Post

Solway Firth Partnership is seeking  an Administrator / Finance Officer to support the organisation.  This will be an enthusiastic, positive and self-motivated person who will carry out  a range of tasks including managing finances, maintaining office systems, organising meetings and providing secretariat, and updating the website.  The successful candidate will have a relevant degree (equivalent qualifications) or a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a related field, excellent organisational and communication skills, good IT skills, a flexible and enthusiastic approach and a full driving licence with use of a vehicle.

Download an application pack from or for further information please contact: Solway Firth Partnership at or on 01387 702161.  The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 5 June 2015. Interviews will be held on Monday 15 June 2015.
 News Update & Events

24 May 2015
Seabird Safari - Join the National Trust Coastal Ranger on a beach to cliff top trip, discovering the secret cove of Fleswick Bay and some of the best viewing points for seabirds.  

For more information contact or phone 017687 74649.

6 June 2015
Maryport Trawler Race - Join this charity fun day with visiting boats and trawlers from all around the Solway Firth and the Isle Of Man. A great family day out for all.

For more information visit their Facebook page at

Spring/Summer Tidelines 2015 -  this issue has now been distributed around all the usual outlets but if you would like a hard copy please contact the SFP office at or phone 01387 702161 or download the pdf from the SFP website here.  

Sustainable Tourism Conference at UCLAN, Westlakes Campus

A one-day conference on sustainable tourism is being held at the University of Central Lancashire, Westlakes Campus, Whitehaven.

This international conference is being held as a response to the 2015 UN Environmental Programme World Environment Day (WED). The WED theme for 2015 is "Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care."

The event will focus upon the role of tourism in encouraging an appreciation of the value of the natural environment and in raising environmental awareness. The wide range of speakers from both the tourism and environment sectors should make this an interesting day with lively debate! 

For more information or to reserve a free place call 01946 517200 or contact the organiser, Dr Rick Wylie


Sea Food in Schools Project Goes from Strength to Strength

Following a lively Seafood in Schools workshop at Moffat Academy recently, Solway Firth Partnership’s Out of the Blue project and Seafood in Schools have organised further events taking place over the next couple of weeks.

86 Moffat Academy pupils will visit Kirkcudbright today to find out all about Kirkcudbright Harbour, local sea fisheries, seafood businesses and the work of the RNLI. Kirkcudbright Academy will then be the next stop for the Seafood in Schools programme with a 2 day workshop planned later in the month.

The Solway Firth Partnership Out of the Blue project is funded by the European Fisheries Fund and Dumfries and Galloway Council.  

For more information please contact Pam Taylor on 01387 251991 or visit For more information on the Seafood in Schools project visit
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Solway Firth Partnership, Campbell House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4UQ
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