Solway Firth Partnership has undertaken a staff restructuring to enable the organisation to cover the range of work currently on the go most effectively.
Pam Taylor, who has worked as Manager for the last 6 years, has taken on a new Project Co-ordinator role working on a range of fisheries projects for the next 18 months. Pam has to be thanked for her sterling work at the helm of Solway Firth Partnership. Clair McFarlan, Project Officer for the last 3 years, has now become Partnership Manager. Recruitment will now take place for a new part-time Partnership Officer.
Gordon Mann, after serving four terms as Chairman of Solway Firth Partnership, has now stepped down and been replaced by Alastair McNeil. The partnership would like to thank Gordon for the time and effort he has put into ensuring the successful operation of the organisation and send best wishes for the future.
Breaking News
April 2014
Recruitment is taking place for a new Partnership Officer. To apply download an application form from SFP website by clicking here or contact
May 2014
The spring/summer issue of Tidelines will be out in early May. A copy can be downloaded from the SFP website or picked up at one of many venues around the Solway.
June 2014
Bioblitz Day. Come along and help record wildlife at Rockcliffe, Dumfries and Galloway on Sunday 8 June 2014. A day festival of biodiversity bringing together wildlife recorders, both expert and beginner to find, identify and learn about as many plant and animal species as possible. Check the SFP website for more information in May.
Launch of Strandline Exhibition and Booklet
Making the Most of the Coast Project launched their Strandline Booklet and exhibition at Mill on the Fleet, Gatehouse of Fleet on Thursday 3 April.
Nic Coombey, the Coastal Ranger has been out and about taking some great strandline pictures from all along the coast. Go along and discover what is deposited on the shore and where it comes from. Pick up a copy of the booklet at the exhibition or download here.
The Solway AONB Celebrates 50 Years!
The Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) was designated in December 1964. It contains many locally, nationally and internationally important features some centring on landscape and others on important wildlife and heritage.
Solway Firth Partnership will celebrate with the Solway AONB by hosting a joint conference in November this year. Look out for more information on the SFP website nearer the time.