Solway Firth Partnership, AGM Rescheduled

SFP  Rescheduled for Mon 10 December
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Solway Firth Partnership AGM 2018 Rescheduled

Monday 10 December 2018

Solway Firth Partnership AGM 2018 will be held on board tall ship La Malouine

Monday 10 December at 11.30am, La Malouine, Kingholm Quay, Dumfries

The Solway Firth Partnership Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.30am on Monday 10 December on board the tall ship La Malouine which will be berthed at Kingholm Quay, near Dumfries.

Due to unforeseen circumstances the AGM which was due to be held on Friday 2 November has had to be rescheduled.  The AGM will now take place on board La Malouine with an opportunity for a short tour of the boat following the AGM.

Everyone is free to attend but booking is essential.  If you would like to book your place please contact SFP at or call 01387 702161

NB: Booked participants will be notified of any venue changes due to boat availability.


 News Update & Events

Tuesday 13 November
Secret Solway Winter Wonders
Join Solway Connections for a tour of the Solway. For more information or to book click here

Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 November
Scottish Rural Parliament 2018, Stranraer
The national high-profile event brings representatives of rural communities from across Scotland together with decision-makers.  They aims to raise the profile of rural needs and strengths, as well as identifying solutions to challenges our communities face.  Book here

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Solway Firth Partnership, Campbell House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4UQ
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