Solway Firth Partnership, AGM Reminder

SFP  AGM Reminder for Mon 10 December
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Solway Firth Partnership AGM 2018 Reminder

Monday 10 December 2018

Solway Firth Partnership AGM 2018 Reminder

Monday 10 December at 11.30am, The Nith Hotel, Glencaple, Dumfries

The Solway Firth Partnership (SFP) Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.30am on Monday 10 December in the Nith Hotel, Glencaple, near Dumfries.

Unfortunately the tall ship, La Malouine has been vandalised and so SFP will now hold their AGM at the Nith Hotel, Glencaple, Dumfries, DG1 4RE.  

The AGM will be followed by a short talk ‘Renewable Energy Issues and Opportunities in the Solway’.

We are also really lucky to be invited to have a look around the refurbished Nith Inshore Lifeboat House, just along the road from the Nith Hotel.  The Chairperson, Robbie Cowan, will be on hand to answer all your queries about life on a rescue boat. Lunch will then be served back at the Nith Hotel.

Everyone is welcome to attend and join us for lunch for free but booking is essential.  If you would like to book your place please contact SFP at or call 01387 702161


 News Update & Events

Saturday 1 December
Bowness on Solway Beach Clean
Join John Gorrill for one of his regular beach cleans. For more information click here

Friday 7 December
Magical Murmurations
RSPB Mersehead
Be astounded at one of the natural wonders of the world - starlings gathering to roost! An RSPB guide in the hide will be present to provide some information and offer an alternative way to look at this amazing spectacle. For more information click here

Until Sat 15 December
'In the Liminal Lands' Exhibition
Visit WWT Caerlaverock to see Sarah Keast, print maker's exhibition inspired by nature. For more information click here
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Solway Firth Partnership, Campbell House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4UQ
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