News from Solway Firth Partnership, October 2018, Joint Conference Edition

SFP / Solway Coast AONB Joint Conference now open for bookings!
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Booking open for SFP/Solway Coast AONB Conference 2018

News, October 2018

Booking now open for the 2018 Conference

Friday 2nd November, the Halston, Carlisle

Solway Firth Partnership & Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty warmly invite you to our joint conference 2018

Doug Allan, wildlife & documentary cameraman and author will deliver the keynote speech. The programme will feature a range of Solway sessions to choose from including:

• Planning for the future of the Solway
• Our coastal heritage at risk – love it or lose it?
• The Solway Coast through performance and drama
• Snapshot updates on a fascinating range of topics
and much more....

The event is free of charge and includes a light buffet lunch. Places are limited so booking is essential.

For more information and to register a space, click here.

If you cannot use eventrbite, email or call 01387 702161 to book your place. 

 News Update & Events

Sunday 7 October
Portamaggie Beach Clean
Join ONUS Southwest Scotland at the first bay south of Killantringan Lighthouse, everyone welcome, litter pickers provided please bring own gloves! Under 16s with responsible adult! Register here.

Thursday 11 October
Come along and help rake the cut meadow to create the conditions for a species-rich wild flower meadow. For more information click here

Sunday 4 November 
Gipsy Point Beach Clean
Come along to another Eco warriors beach clean at Gipsy point, Kirkcudbright. For more information and to Register click here

Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 November
Scottish Rural Parliament 2018, Stranraer
The national high-profile event brings representatives of rural communities from across Scotland together with decision-makers, aiming to raise the profile of rural needs and strengths, as well as identifying solutions to challenges our communities face. Book here


Solway Coastwise Project helps spread the word

Solway Coastwise Project, managed by Solway Firth Partnership, is teaming up with Let's Go Dumfries and Galloway to hold a series of events across the region.  Each event will help tourism businesses to get a feeling for and understand what a wonderful resource Scotland's Southern Coast really is.  

Using place names as a catalyst to inspire interest in all aspects of our varied shoreline the events will offer an introduction to what the coast can provide. Tourism businesses will also have the opportunity to sign up to future ambassador visits where they can learn more about our cultural and natural heritage. The events are planned for November 2018 and dates will be released by Let's Go Dumfries and Galloway and Solway Coastwise soon.

Wild Goose Weekend at WWT Caerlaverock

Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 October

WWT Caerlaverock are celebrating the return of the wild geese to Dumfries and Galloway, one of the best places in the UK to see the variety of UK geese species. During this busy weekend you can listen to talks by geese experts, go on guided walks with WWT staff members and take part in family activities.

You can also take part in a session with the Solway Coastwise Project learning about the inspiring Dumfries and Galloway coastline or sharing your own local stories of the coast.  

For more information about the weekend click here

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