News from Solway Firth Partnership, March 2019

Solway Coastwise Walks and Archaeology, New Solway Military Trail Launches, NW Marine Plan On-line Engagement
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Solway Coastwise Walks 

News, March 2019

Solway Coastwise Walks and Archaeology Vists 

Now the weather is improving the Solway Coastwise project is organising a series of outdoor walks and events. Discover more about your amazing coastline by attending a guided walk or taking part in archaeological recording of our hidden history.

Saturday 6th April - Ardwell Bay Guided walk to find out about cave dwellers and ship wrecks.
Friday 12th April - Redkirk Point Guided walk with archaeologists to discover a prehistoric forests, lost church and remains being revealed by erosion.
Saturday 13th April - Balcary Guided walk with archaeologists to search for saltpans and mines.
Sunday 14th April - Auchencairn Discover how historical remains are recorded on a visit to the coast with archaeologists.
Monday 15th April - Garlieston Find out about the preparations for the D-Day landings and help record nearby remains with archaeologists.
Wednesday 17th April - Back Bay Monreith A guided walk to visit stunning cliffs and caves.
Thursday 18th April - Carsethorn A guided walk to discover history and geology.
Friday 19th April - Port Logan A guided walk over rugged terrain to explore the coast north of Port Logan.

All events are FREE but booking is essential. 

For more information and to book email -

 News Update & Events

Thursday 28 March
Solway Coast AONB
Join the Solway Coast AONB Volunteer Work Party at Mawbray Banks on one of their regular coastal work parties. More information here

Tuesday 2 to 16 April
Easter Duck and Dive, RSPB Mersehead Reserve
Go on a self-lead duck hunt and meet the guide in the hide, to show you wetland wildlife. A family friendly day out!  More information here

Sunday 14 April
Beach Clean, Southerness
Join D&G Eco Warriors on a beach clean at Southerness.  More information here

Tuesday 23 April
Solway Coast AONB
Join the Solway Coast AONB Volunteer Work Party to carry out maintenance on the clay dabbin at RSPB Campfield March. More information here

New Solway Military Trail Launches

A group of local enthusiasts from military heritage visitor attractions around the Solway has come together to develop a new Solway Military Trail.

There is a rich history of a military presence in and around south Scotland and north Cumbria particularly around the Solway coast.  The quiet, rural surroundings coupled with access from ports such as Stranraer, Cairnryan and Silloth made the Solway coast a perfect location for munitions factories in both world wars, RAF airfields, flying boat bases, practice bombing ranges and secret testing sites.

So why not visit the website now and find out some of the hidden stories of the Solway – click here

The Solway Military Trail Project has been kindly supported by Allerdale Borough Council and Foundation Scotland.  
MMO Iteration 3 Online Engagement

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) are nearly at the end of their Iteration 3 online engagement on the development of the North West Marine Plan.  The vision for the North West Marine Plan is 'Beautiful, energetic and connected’.

It's not too late to have your say as the online engagement closes on Friday 29 March 2019. The online process is the most comprehensive way to view and provide comment on the Iteration 3 products:

  • preferred draft policies;
  • draft supporting text for policies including on implementation; and
  • the next steps in marine planning.

Find out more and to book your place click here

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