News from Solway Firth Partnership, It’s Spring 2018

Caves and Graves Now Out, Sea Scotland Conference, Scotland's National Plan Review
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Solway Coastwise 'Caves and Graves' Guide Now Out!

News, April 2018

Caves and Graves

A Solway Coastwise Publication
The Solway Coastwise project, managed by Solway Firth Partnership, has published a Caves and Graves guide that provides an introduction to stories associated with the varied coast of Dumfries and Galloway. Our rugged shoreline is perforated with caves that for thousands of years have provided shelter from the elements and have been regarded as spiritual places for pilgrimage, healing or burials.

All names begin by describing a place to another person or group of people, as a way of helping us find our way in the world. Some cave names have existed for many hundreds of years, while others are a more recent phenomenon but they all tell a story. Cave names can provide clues about the history of our coast and reveal stories of illegal or clandestine activities often providing the setting for folk tales or works of fiction.
In years gone by an unidentified body washed upon the shore was buried where it was found. However if a victim of a shipwreck was identified it was usually given a church burial so that looking at memorials in coastal kirkyards can reveal much about the social and maritime history of a parish.

The new guide will help you explore the seashore and imagine what it would have been like to live in a cave or discover more about the history of the Solway coast by discovering graveyards. Download a copy by visiting the Solway Coastwise webpage

 News Update & Events

Thurs 26 April
Beach Clean, Mawbray Banks,  Solway AONB
Beach clean at Mawbray Banks from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.   All tools and equipment are supplied but participants are advised to wear suitable clothing, wellies and waterproofs. For more information on this event organised by Cumbria Wildlife Trust / John Gorrill click here

Monday 30 April 
Conservation Work Party, Bowness on Solway
This Cumbria Wildlife Trust (CWT) Reserve is an old gravel pit that has become a wonderful site for wildlife. Join CWT in carrying out some scrub clearance and other maintenance works. For more information click here

Now Out!
Scottish Regional Inshore Fisheries Group (RIFG) Newsletter
The latest edition of the Scottish RIFG newsletter is now out.  This spring issue has an update on the West Coast area which includes the Solway.  Download from SFP website by clicking here
Sea Scotland Conference 2018  

Following on from two successful Sea Scotland conferences, planning is underway for a third event which will be held at the Bay Hotel and Conference Centre, Kinghorn, Fife on Wednesday 20 to Thursday 21 June 2018.

The theme of the conference is 'Empowerment in marine stewardship: emerging opportunities for citizens and communities in Scotland'.  The two day event features a wide range of both outdoor activities and indoor workshops and presentations.

For more information or to book a place click here

Scotland's National Marine Plan Reviewed

The three year report on the implementation of Scotland's National Marine Plan (encompassing inshore and offshore waters) has just been published.

Scottish Ministers are required to consider the report and determine whether to replace or amend the Plan. The issues raised during the review process will be considered in detail, to develop an appropriate work programme to inform any future Plan, Regional Marine Plans and the supporting data, research and assessment programmes.

For more information about the review or to download a copy click here

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