MMO Stage 3 Marine Protected Areas Call for Evidence Launch
Call for evidence on the impacts of fishing on seabed features of English offshore marine protected areas (MPA) – Stage 3
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is launching a call for evidence seeking additional evidence and views on our draft Stage 3 Fishing Gear MPA Impacts Evidence documents in relation to the impacts of fishing on seabed features of Stage 3 MPAs.
The Fishing Gear MPA Impacts Evidence documents collate and analyse the best available evidence on the impacts of fishing gears on seabed MPA features and will inform site-level assessments of the impact of fishing on seabed MPA features as part of Stage 3 of the MMO’s work to manage fishing in offshore MPAs.
Earlier this year MMO held a call for evidence for Stage 2 MPAs which focused on interactions between bottom towed fishing and rock and reef features. They are now consulting on a proposed byelaw to manage these impacts. Stage 3 covers all remaining interactions between fishing gears and designated seabed features within offshore MPAs not already assessed in Stages 1 and 2. The impacts of fishing on MPAs designated for marine birds and harbour porpoise will be addressed in a separate Stage 4.
The locations of Stage 3 MPAs are displayed in a map at the end of this letter. You can find details of the sites and designated features within the Stage 3 Call for Evidence Introduction.
The closing date for the consultation seeking additional evidence and views on evidence and analysis of the impacts of fishing on seabed features in English MPAs is 28 March 2023.
More information on how to respond to the consultation can be found on