Join the SWEPT Project Shared Learning Event on zoom on Monday 28 September at 10.00am.
Surveying the Waterway Environment for Pollution Threats (SWEPT) was a citizen scientist project grant funded by NRW that recruited, organised, and trained volunteers to collect environmental data within the Milford Haven Waterway in Pembrokeshire. Monthly surveys between November 2018 and March 2019 saw over 100 volunteers walk 46 individual intertidal stretches where they recorded all freshwater inputs to the main waterway and tested a sub-set for levels of nitrates and phosphates using Kyoritsu PackTest kits.
SWEPT’s results are being used to better understand the effects of land run-off upon the marine environment, and to lead to environmental improvements.
The primary objective of the water quality citizen science project was to gather data and look at the effects of nutrient pollution from land run-off on the marine environment. It proved to be hugely successful, both in terms of the involvement of volunteers and the acquisition of useful data. So much so, that it won the National Park Protector Award 2019 from the Campaign for National Parks.
To join the zoom event to learn more about this great project click here