Geovation Launches Diffuse Coastal Pollution Challenge

Geovation has launched a challenge with the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) to find a sustainable solution to tackle diffuse coastal pollution.

Geovation, Ordnance Survey’s open innovation network hub, has launched a challenge with the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) to find a sustainable solution to tackle diffuse coastal pollution, with a prize of up to £5,000 for the winners.

Our coastlines are not just at risk from extreme storms, coastal erosion and sea level rise caused by climate change, but also from a multitude of diffuse pollution sources that can affect the water quality and pollute our coastal areas, which has a negative impact on the surrounding ecosystem.

Sources of diffuse pollution are often minor in isolation, but collectively can be very damaging to the environment due to the release of potential pollutants. Often driven by rainfall and how we manage land, diffuse coastal pollution can occur as a direct result of agricultural, urban and marine pollution sources.

The challenge will aim to address the important issue of diffuse pollution on our coastlines and look at sustainable solutions to improve water quality, but also improve efficiencies, profitability and sustainability from agriculture to the water and sewage infrastructure, as well as improving beach cleanliness and wildlife conservation as a direct result of pollution from humans and animals.

Geovation works with innovators and start-ups by providing them with access to accurate and real-time data and the expertise to address the key global, regional and local issues that affect people and the planet. For this challenge, successful applicants will have access to data from Ordnance Survey including terrain, buildings, water networks, addressing and the OS Data Hub, the most comprehensive and accurate view of GB’s landscape. This will be complimented by data from the UK Hydrographic Office, the Met Office and the British Geological Survey to identify and find viable solutions to protect our 20,000 miles of coastline in GB.

For more information visit the website and to apply visit the Geovation website

The deadline for applications is 20 February 2022.