The Sea Angling Diary Project is for UK sea anglers to help improve the sustainable management of marine stocks and demonstrate the value of sea angling. The project is delivered by Substance and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) on behalf of all the UK governments and devolved administrations. It helps report the activity, catches and value of recreational sea angling to assist better-informed decision making. Around 2,000 participants take part from every country and region in the UK.
The project is seeking sea anglers to take part in the diary project. By taking part in the diary project, you will be helping to demonstrate the impact of sea angling in the UK – and get access to an Online Catch Diary, Fish ID booklet, catch recording kit and free Mobile App!
Everyone who takes part can get a FREE mobile app. With the Sea Angling Diary app you can:
- Record all your fishing sessions
Record your locations using GPS
List your tackle, duration and weather and tide conditions.
Record all your catches, including length and numbers kept and returned.
This unique app is ONLY available if you SIGN UP as a diarist and is on both Android and Apple stores.
More information is available here