Draft Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy (2019): consultation analysis report published

Marine Scotland has now published the consultation analysis report on the draft Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy.

The Scottish Government published the draft Plan  on 18 December 2019 and the consultation ran until 25 March 2020, a total of 14 weeks.

The draft Plan is accompanied by seven supporting documents;

  • Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report (SEA);
  • Strategic Habitat Regulations Appraisal: Screening and Appropriate Assessment Information Report (HRA report);
  • Social and Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA);
  • Partial Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA);
  • Partial Islands Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA);
  • Draft Regional Locational Guidance (RLG); and
  • Sustainability Appraisal (SA).

The draft Plan will be reviewed in response to comments made during the consultation. In the event that substantial changes are required as a result of this consultation process, further assessment and consultation may be required.

The final Plan will be prepared and presented for approval and adoption by Scottish Ministers. The final Plan will be published along with relevant supporting information, such as an Appropriate Assessment and Post Adoption Statement, as soon as possible thereafter. The application window for the first cycle of ScotWind leasing will close after the publication of the final Plan (exact timescales will be determined in due course).

The full report can be viewed here