Cumbria Coastal Strategy Consultation – not too late to have your say!

Cumbria Coastal Strategy Consultation – it’s not too late to have your say!

Cumbria County Council (CCC) is working with the Cumbria Coast Protection Authorities (District Councils) and the Environment Agency, to develop a strategy for the future management of the coast from Arnside to the Scottish Border. This project is being funded by the Environment Agency.

It builds upon the ideas and policies presented in the North West Shoreline Management Plan. This large-scale plan set out policies for each stretch of coast. We now need to decide how we carry out these policies.

A coastal strategy is a plan that sets out how we will manage the risks related to coastal flooding and erosion along our coastline over the next century.

We need a strategy so that we have a clear plan for managing coastal risks in the future, taking these changes in risk into account. It will also support applications to the government for future flood and coastal risk management schemes and to help secure national funds to contribute to the cost of defences.

To make sure CCC fully understand and include the impacts on people, the local economy and the environment, we would like to hear your views about how your coastline should be managed. More information on the Strategy and the proposed approaches and future activities recommended is available by visiting the website.

Once you have looked at the information on the Strategy you can provide feedback by completing the survey.

A separate questionnaire is also available for those without internet access.

Please complete the survey or return the questionnaire by 13th December 2019.